英语演讲稿:cheer for Olympic athletes

时间:2023-06-02 01:34:37 作者:会员上传

  cheer for Olympic athletes

  Hi,everyone.Nice to meet you..Today I'd like to share something about Olympics with all of you.

  The Olympic Game will be held in our country in 2019.Athletes and spectator from all parts of the world will gather in Beijing and in this grand meeting of sports: Athletics, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling, swimming,shooting……and so on.

  The acient Greeks created the acient Olynpic Games.The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC and abolished in 393AD.It existed for 12 centuries.The creator

  of the modern Olympic Games was the French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin.The International Olympic Committee was founded on June23,1894,and it chooses the city where the Olympic Games are to be held.China first bid for the 2019 Olympic Games,but it was two votes shy of Sydney in its bid to host the Games.So,how inspiring it is to us Chinese to hear the news of holding 2019 Beijing Olympic Games after dream for a long time!

  Although we are not the athletes,who can win glory to the country,but we can do more sports exercises to achieve for "faster,higher,stronger"of ourselves;Maybe we can not the spactators,who can cheer for Olympic heroes and inspect the ambiance with excitment,but we can do some little things around us to make our hometown more sanitary,more beautiful,and more harmonious.Maybe we can not do much thing directly to the Olympic Games,but we can try our best to strive for the goal of the Olympic Movement.The goal of Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practice without discrimination or any kind,in a spirit of friendship,solidarty and fair play.

  That's all. Thank you 。Thankyou  four your coming!



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