
时间:2023-06-02 00:12:17 作者:会员上传

  I want to wish Eid Mubarak to all Muslims celebrating Eid and a safe journey to those now on Hajj.

  I know that many of you use this special time to reflect on what’s important to you in yourlives: your family, your friends, your beliefs, your commitment to do the best you can forothers.

  It’s also a time to think about sacrifice and struggle – and that is particularly poignant thissummer as we continue to see so many innocent people – Muslim and non-Muslim – caught upin the ongoing conflicts in Syria, Gaza and Iraq.

  It is truly heartbreaking to witness the loss that continues to take place in these parts of theworld. More than ever we need to strive for an end to the violence. We need to unite behindpeace, tolerance, compassion, generosity towards one and other – the values that are at theheart of Islam and the heart of Eid. Today I want to reaffirm my commitment to thosevalues, my party’s commitment to those values, and I want to wish you all a loving andpeaceful Eid.



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