
时间:2023-06-02 00:44:05 作者:会员上传

  At his trial in 1964, Nelson Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "I have foughtagainst white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished theideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and withequal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it isan ideal for which I am prepared to die."


  And Nelson Mandela lived for that ideal, and he made it real. He achieved more than could beexpected of any man. Today, he has gone home. And we have lost one of the most influential,courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on thisEarth. He no longer belongs to us -- he belongs to the ages.


  Through his fierce dignity and unbending will to sacrifice his own freedom for the freedom ofothers, Madiba transformed South Africa -- and moved all of us. His journey from a prisonerto a President embodied the promise that human beings -- and countries -- can change for thebetter. His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed him set anexample that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personallives. And the fact that he did it all with grace and good humor, and an ability toacknowledge his own imperfections, only makes the man that much more remarkable. As heonce said, "I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying."


  I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela's life. My veryfirst political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was aprotest against apartheid. I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was releasedfrom prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopesand not by their fears. And like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own lifewithout the example that Nelson Mandela set, and so long as I live I will do what I can to learnfrom him.

  在被纳尔逊·曼德拉的经历所激励的亿万人中,我是其中一员。我的第一次政治行动——我所做的与一项议题或政策或政治有关的第一件事——就是抗议种族歧视。 我认真研读了他的话和他的著作。他走出监狱的那一天,我认识到人类能够在自己的希望——而不是恐惧——引领下所能成就的事业。正如全球各地许许多多的人一 样,我无法充分想象没有纳尔逊·曼德拉的榜样我的生活会是怎样。在我的有生之年,我将尽最大努力向他学习。

  To Graça Machel and his family, Michelle and I extend our deepest sympathy and gratitudefor sharing this extraordinary man with us. His life’s work meant long days away from thosewho loved him the most. And I only hope that the time spent with him these last few weeksbrought peace and comfort to his family.


  To the people of South Africa, we draw strength from the example of renewal,andreconciliation, and resilience that you made real. A free South Africa at peace with itself --that’s an example to the world, and that’s Madiba’s legacy to the nation he loved.


  We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. So it falls to us as best we can toforward the example that he set: to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love; to neverdiscount the difference that one person can make; to strive for a future that is worthy of hissacrifice.


  For now, let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived -- a man who tookhistory in his hands, and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice. May God Bless hismemory and keep him in peace.

