
时间:2023-06-01 20:04:33 作者:会员上传

  Nowadays, the environmental protection is becoming one of the most important issues in the world. Being one of the members of our society, what shall we do to protect the environment?

  First, stop using plastic bags, boxes and bottles. Stores should be required to use the bags, boxes and bottles which are made from paper.

  Secondly, more and more trees and flowers should be planted to keep our surrounding clean. People must be required to plant plants around their houses and work places.

  Finally, we must control the pollution by law, according to which, polluted water and air exhausted from factories should be forbidden.

  These are some of the measures that we can take to protect our environment and they are not hard tasks for us. Remember, the earth is the only planet we could live at present.

  Since the first day, BNBM has paid more attention to protect the environment as its social responsibility, by developing green building materials, producing green products and creating green enterprise. According to the spirit of "From the nature, for the nature and return to the mature", BNBM has tried its best in developing new technology and improving equipment to reduce the pollution.



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