
时间:2023-06-01 19:35:01 作者:会员上传

My dear Mr. and Misses, my fellows schoolmates,

  Good morning! As you know and see, it is a sunny bump harvest season. In the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which we together planted 4 years ago. Today may these roses and our friendship as well be together and comfort our excited hearts!

  It was four years ago that everyone of us came from every part of China and formed a new collective. As we are young, it’s very easy for us to communicate. It was in the past four years that we were ambitious. It was in the past four years that we worried. It was in the past four years that we were content. It was in the past four years that we were vexed. It was in the past four years that we were friendly and lonely ... and it was in the past fours that we studied, lived and respected each other with genuine and with our ambitions. Nothing in the world is more significant than we miss all of these.

  We miss you─teachers who are tireless in teaching; we will keep your gestures and your white hairs in our hearts deeply; we will miss the quietness with the lights at night in the classroom; we will miss the race and exercise on the playground; we will miss even the crowds in the dining hall and the quarrel on the beds; we will still miss every green piece and every piece of waste paper flying like flakes in the air ... However, today we will leave nothing but the first rose with our Alma Mater and our teachers which is entrusted with our love and respect.

  4 years seems very long but 4 years seems very short. From now on, we all will go into the society. The society is broad and wide for us. We will shoulder heavy responsibilities; we will work diligently; and we will expect to be informed of good news from one another. Now, I beg you all to cherish the occasion; to remember the names, the status, appearance and the character of the person around you. Now let’s be hand in hand together; let’s present the rose to each other. May the rose carry our appreciation and blessing! We are very closely linked no matter what the world may be. May the fresh rose in our hands keep its fragrants!

  Thank you all again!





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