时间:2023-06-01 08:08:58 作者:会员上传

  以下是范文大全小编给大家整理的中学生英语演讲稿:THE DREAM CAME TRUE,希望能帮到你!


  I woke up and looked at my watch. Oh my god, it’s 7:30 already! I have to get up at once otherwise I’ll be late. Today I’ll take the Australian athletes as a tour guide around Beijing, and I’m going to be the interpreter at the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony tomorrow. This has always been a dream of mine since Beijing won the bid of the Olympics, and now the dream has finally come true—I have already become a successful interpreter. And today is another important day of my interpreting career. I’m a little nervous but, of course, very excited. Here goes my plan for today:

  Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of Beijing, the symbol of the 5000 years’ civilization—the Forbidden City—where the emperors and empresses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties lived, and it’s really grand. It was renovated recently because of the coming Olympics.

  The second place we are going to is the Great Wall. This is the only building, I hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents the diligence and the wisdom of whole Chinese nation.

  Now, it’s time for lunch. We plan to have What? You say ”Beijing Duck”? Yeah, right you are! We’ll come back to the center of Beijing, and we’ll have dinner at “Quanjude” restaurant. You can enjoy the most delicious Chinese food—Beijing Duck, and you must be very pleased to hear this! Then I’ll show you around the Summer Palace. It’s the royal garden for the emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty to pass the hot summers.

  After visiting those historical places, you’ll surely be impressed by the long-lasting history of our great country. At the same time, during the journey of moving from one place of interest to another, we won’t miss having a glance of Beijing’s modern civilization. The skyscrapers, beautiful avenues and advanced facilities must also catch your eyes. And we’ll also have a chance to experience Beijing’s fast development in person. We’ll do some shopping at the shopping center near the Olympics Village. You can buy everything there of course except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in China. To see is to believe. What you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice to Beijing, China!

  That’s all about my plan for the day. What do you think of it, my friends? Today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more. As Beijing becomes the host city of the 29th Olympic Games, every Beijinger cares for the environment and good manners and behaviors much more than before. Now Beijing has already made herselves’ dream come true. So I must work harder to catch up with her steps. Knowing the hardness of making a dream into reality, I need to do my best at every side of my work, so then I believe my little dream—to be an interpreter—will definitely be realized someday in the future!






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