
时间:2023-06-01 02:13:57 作者:会员上传



  The computer is a wonderful machine. They are already widely used in industries and in universities. They are used in many ways.

  Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, computers can helps us do maths problems quickly. Some problems are too hard for us to work them out, but computers can. A scientist can ask computers some questions, and the computers can answer on the screen.

  In a car-factory computer tells the robots how to do with the cars.

  Computers are very useful. So many parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school, but some children don’t do as what parents want them to do. Because they used the computers for surfing on the Internet and spend too much time playing computer games instead of learning. It does not good for their eyesight. So their parents complain about computers not help children to study but also make them fall behind.

  In many companies computers instead of workers to work. So many people lose their jobs. So many workers think computers bring them a lot of trouble.

  If computers are good for us or bad for us it’s hard to say so I hope computers will be used in the right way.


  Before the summer vocation coming , I expierence so much,Such as being a teacher ,holding ceremony for our graduate ,joinning cet 6,I recon that I am more and more mature and confidence.

  The last summer vocation ,I should have been gone to Guangzhou and open my horizon like feel the sense of sitting train ,subway ,seeing sea and soon on,I have ever done so many daydreams in my life,however ,unfortunately,I have to stay changsha ,due to a succession of subjective and obejective reasons.

  Never mind ,I don’t care abot where I stay , as long as I happy with my life,I can learn some communications means enough.

  The last summer vocation deserve to me treature,I should depict colourful and marverlous frame ,adding kinds of tastes into my daily life ,It lead me optimistic more.


  Attention please, everyone,

  Our class will go to have a physical examination in People's Hospital on Saturday, 10th May. We'll meet at the hospital gate at 7:45.. It is not far from our school. It's about fifteen minutes' walk.You may either walk there or go there by bicycle.

  The examination will begin at 8:00. We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. Keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses. After the examination you may go home.







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