
时间:2023-05-31 21:34:52 作者:会员上传



  Good morning, Everyone!

  I will talk about sports. I am a lovely boy. I like many kinds of sports, such as walking, running, swimming, climbing, cycling and skipping. Sports give me a good health and bring me a lot of fun.

  Now, I will tell you about my cycling sport. I often ride my bike when I am free. I like to ride my bike on a road. There are no cars and few people on the road. It is not very long. It is very good for cycling. When I ride down the slope, the bike runs very fast, and I feel like flying. It’s very good for me. Cycling gives me a lot of fun. Sports give me a strong body and bring me a lot of fun. If you want to be strong, please do sports; if you want to enjoy a happy life, please do sports, too.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers, students:

  I am very happy to meet with you here today to tell you my speech is entitled "English, so I am happy."

  English, spread to all over the world, people talk about memorization. Since my time in first grade began to learn English, I was not interested in it, but the third and fourth grade, when a sudden interest in reading in English every day, and even self-learning, to raise a lot of English results .

  Now, my greatest interest is the time to see the English. Each weekend, I always find time to read English books or see on the English comic books, information books, and even outside the time when shopping, but also with some English information on the book, simply put it down.

  Each school, I sometimes went to the library of books on English, a view that is 30 minutes, the harvest has been so many.

  Once again, the summer vacation, I went to the United Kingdom. Where I see a lot of the city, this afternoon I have friends with the British dialogue in English, but also know a lot of knowledge of English, they also compliment away一extra-curricular knowledge of the English book.

  I have often in the Monday and Tuesday, when listening to English tapes, one is 3 hours. Also frequently used sentence patterns learned review again, I learned to feel very proud.

  The book in English class after school, but also extra-curricular English book out to read, every time I think: if these extra-curricular English read the end, learned that their English, reading and writing is not improved. Therefore, I, day and night, every day, reading, really English results improved reading and writing, I am more proud of.

  I know that Rome was not built in a day. I believe that through continuous efforts to learn, one day, I can speak English very well.

  Therefore, I am very happy of.


  Dear friends:

  Today,I want to talk about time.The title of my speech is Time Is Our Life.Everybody knows that time is going on every second, every minute,every hour.It doesn’t wait for you.How to use the time is a problem in our life.Here,I want to tell you one sentence: Do not waste time.

  People often say:Time is money.For me,time is knowledge.Time is fair to everybody.If I can use time appropriately I will be a good learner. Being a good learner I will get more knowledge.With more knowledge I will have a brighter future.Then I will have an ideal life.

  I often heard someone say:Time flies.Maybe.But friends, if you have time to complain how time flies,why don’t you use that time to do some useful things?I have read a book.The writer of that book said:Do not repent when you are old. So we must do something we want to do,so that when we are old we won’t feel

  Dear friends,We must use time wisely , we can have a brighter future,that our country can stronger and more beautiful.

  That’s all.Thank you for listening.



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