
时间:2023-05-31 20:23:05 作者:会员上传



  The way to world’s future-low carbon life “low-carbon” is one of the most popular buzz-words in this year. Not only China but all countries focus on the topic of “low-carbon”.

  Here, I’d like to share my own experience abroad with you. Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the Australia about half a month. During that time, Not only did I enjoy the beautiful natural scenery there, but also I appreciated the people’s active way of protecting their environment. Now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, the beautiful scenery of Australia will arise in my mind, white clouds flying across the blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and lovely squirrels playing happily among the trees.

  As a citizen of China, if everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life and if we would like to reduce our carbon footprint, the scenery of blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in Australia will appear in China, even in HeFei. But I totally support the view, that is to say, Emotion without action is irrelevant! Do you unplug electronics after you use them? Do you switch off everything before you go to sleep? Do you adjust your TV screen a bit dimmer to save energy? Do you re-use water for different activities around the house? Each of these seemingly insignificant adjustments in your daily life can make a difference in saving the environment of tomorrow.

  We all know that nothing is more comfortable than sitting in the warmth of a hearted car while it’s snowing and hailing outside in the freezing cold…But with global warming and even global cooling becoming more pressing by the day, not to mention your own health, take a walk ,ride a bike ,reduce your carbon footprint on the environment .It is said that tiny streams can be combined into a vast ocean, small trees can be an immense forest, and every little makes a mickle.

  “low-carbon” is not just a buzz-word but a goal that people from all over the world wanna get. So, reduce carbon footprint! Reduce damage! Save energy! Save the world! Thanks for your listening.


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  I am honored to stand here to share with you on such a important subject as climate change.Yes ,it is global warming .

  Let me give you two phenomenons.

  Here is the first one. More and more people used to be using air condition ,but how many people ever thought whether this new ,hobby will bring side-effects or not? Maybe just few people. In fact, the side-effect is apparent. The emissions of gases exhausted from air conditioning contain a lot of methane .which could cause global warming. By the way, air conditioning will waste a lot of electricity .

  The second one is about the increasing amount of cars. According to the statistics, in 21st century, there are 7 millions cars in the world, a large amount of exhaust gases has seriously influenced us, such as: cough, throat inflammation.

  This two phenomenons are just few part of reason which change our environment badly. There are many other reasons.

  In nearly 100 years, the average global temperature experienced twice fluctuations which is “cold-warm-cold-warm”. Generally, it is the trend that global climate is becoming warmer and warmer . In 1980s,global temperature rised apparently. According to Chinese scientists, the average temperature in China has risen by 1.1 degrees


  Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can’t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.

  On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.

  On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

  Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

  All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.


  “low-carbon” is one of the most popular buzz-words in this year. Not only China but all countries focus on the topic of “low-carbon”.

  If I have a belongs to my own hut, I'll change all power for energy-efficient and form the habit of conveniently switch off the power supply, I'll go shopping when the poster to bring home, spread them in my wardrobe below; During the hot summer months, I'll prepare a water bed, when the water can no longer cold out laundry,and In cold winter, I can use a pouchof hot water to keep them warm, next morning i can use no longer tepid water to wash and gargle. If I were a full-time housewife, I'll make the household life plan closely, I will bring my family can't wear clothes to tailor shop processing, such as cushion made cushion, I'll various life wastewater to flush the toilet. If I have a long holiday, I'll go up about friends go around the world, in each place can plant trees on land planted sapling, grass green, leaving the green belong to us。

  As a citizen of China, if everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life and if we would like to reduce our carbon footprint, the scenery of blue sky, green grass and lovely animals will appear in China everyday.But I totally support the view, that is to say, Emotion without action is irrelevant! Do you unplug electronics after you use them? Do you switch off everything before you go to sleep? Do you adjust your TV screen a bit dimmer to save

  energy? Do you re-use water for different activities around the house? Each of these seemingly insignificant adjustments in your daily life can make a difference in saving the environment of tomorrow.

  We all know that nothing is more comfortable than sitting in the warmth of a hearted car while it’s snowing and hailing outside in the freezing cold…But with global warming and even global cooling becoming more pressing by the day, not to mention your own health, take a walk ,ride a bike ,reduce your carbon footprint on the environment .It is said that tiny streams can be combined into a vast ocean, small trees can be an immense forest, and every little makes a mickle.

  “low-carbon” is not just a buzz-word but a goal that people from all over the world wanna get. So, reduce carbon footprint! Reduce damage! Save energy! Save the world! These actually are everywhere around us and small details. In order to blue ocean, lush forests, lovely little animals... Let us from the side with, from small start, we started our low carbon live, mutual care to our survival home - earth! Thanks for your listening.





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