
时间:2023-05-31 13:22:50 作者:会员上传

  he word wealth always reminds people of money and the sayings or concepts related to money. For example, “money talks”; “money makes the ghosts turn the mill”; “as birds die for food, so men die for wealth”; “the poor have no friends even though they live in the noisy downtown, while the rich have remote kinsfolk even if they live in the deep mountains”; “poverty chills ambition” “one cent short may put a hero in an awkward situation” etc, etc..

  In the 1980' s, all shops were state-owned with marked prices. You couldn't buy what you wanted with even one cent short, so one cent could indeed embarrass a hero. A popular song at that time started “I picked up one cent at the roadside, and I handed it over to the policeman” But now no one cares to pick it up even if it were ten cents.

  People's reverence for money is expressed in varied ways. The names of companies or stores are often “Beer of Wealth and Honor”, “Restaurant of Wealth and Rank” “Store of the Aristocrats” “Hotel of Fame and Prestige” etc. . At New Year's time, the god of wealth is worshiped and the picture of the god is covered with signs of money. When a millionaire is walking in the street, people will show their profound respect even though they know very well that they can not get a cent from him. The English film “the Million-Pound Note” makes a most vivid revelation of this situation. With the million pound note in hand, the hero has the privilege to buy on credit, or on loan and is even presented money from others. It's an idealized end of the story that the hero is still loved by his girl friend even after he lost his million-pound note. However, without the million-pound note, they couldn't have known each other. It's very difficult for people to make friends directly with beggars.

  The song of “All Good Things Must End” in A Dream of the Red Mansions attacks the money worshipers by saying:

  “All men long to be immortals

  yet silver and gold they prize

  And grub for money all their lives

  Till death seals up their eyes”

  But when Chen Shih-yin tries to expound this song by analyzing the inconstancy of human relationships and the incomprehensible human heart, he has to say:

  “While men with gold and silver by the chest

  Turn beggars, scorned by all and dispossessed”

  The conclusion is that it doesn't work without money.





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