
时间:2023-05-30 13:49:15 作者:会员上传

  ms. mitsuko iwasaki

  3-16-6-804, higashisuna


  tokyo, 136-0074

  dear ms. iwasaki,

  upon your arrival, our agent failed to locate your reservation. we sincerely apology as our associate obviously mistakenly implemented the standard checking in procedure. the reservation for you and ms. hinako muto were made early november, and never been d. we understand that you may requested the king size room but actually we could not satisfy your

  may the year of the rabbit bring you joy and prosperity.

  yours sincerely,

  alfred zhuang

  front office manager

  november 03, 1999

  mr. shen nan ping

  flat 20f, block 1

  robinson heights

  8 robinson road

  hong kong

  dear mr. shen

  we are sorry to learn of the unpleasant experience you had encountered during your last stay with us on jun. 13-15, 1999 as incorrect amount was charged onto your visa card account, it should be rmb 6787 instead of rmb 3887.42.

  we have made a full investigation into

  matter and regret to say that it was our staffs mistake, therefore, we ask for your kind understanding as human error is bound to creep in on occasion and accept our most sincere apologies to you in this respect. mr. shen, attached is copy of your hotel bill and amended visa card voucher with correct amount indicated for your reference and perusal. if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact  us.

  your sincerely

  alfred zhuang

  front office manager



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