
时间:2023-05-30 11:24:29 作者:会员上传



  Dear Tom,

  I'm very sorry that I can't go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised you. I'm writing to tell you the reason for it.(topic)

  Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who went abroad for further education last year, informed me that he would return the next Saturday morning. He asked me to pick him up at the airport with his parents. As you know, we haven't seen each other for about a year, so I'll have to help him in the first place.

  I really hope that you can accept my apologies and understand me. I would appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time to show you around some places of interest in Beijing.

  Wish you have a good time this weekend!



  Dear Tom,

  How is everything going with you?

  I’m terribly sorry that I’m not able to go to your birthday party this Saturday afternoon. I’m in Beijing now because my mother is seriously ill and will have an operation here. She is in bad need of my care these days, so I’m staying here to take care of her in the hospital.

  I wish you a happy birthday and hope everything will go well with the party. By the way, I have sent you the latest CD of Zhang Jie. I hope you’ll like this birthday present.

  I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.


  Wang Tao


  Dear John,

  I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. After all these years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.

  The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you please wait for me in the arrival lounge? You can have breakfast while you wait.

  By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am of 165cm tall and have a long hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and carry a China Daily at hand.

  Hope we can meet soon.

  Sincerely yours,



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