
时间:2023-05-30 10:54:58 作者:会员上传



  Dear Susan,

  I’m very sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday evening. I’m afraid I’d gone to the pub with some friends and didn’t get back until 12 o’clock. I wish I had known you were in Luoyang as you could have come with us. It would have been a good introduction to the night life!Anyway, I will call on you at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning at your hotel. We can have the day together, if you have nothing else planned? I’ll show you some of the places of interest that you may not have seen.

  Please let me know if you will be available on Saturday morning.

  Best wishes

  Chen Cheng


  Dear Mary,

  I’m very sorry for not having replied to your July 6th letter sooner. When your letter arrived, I was in Beijing. As my secretary couldn’t forward it to me, it has been lying on my desk until I got back.

  Thank you for all your news. It is good to know that your company has agreed to sign the contract to continue the cooperation with us. And we surely will have a bigger success in the near future.

  Look forward to catching up and once again apologize for the delay.




  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.

  I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.

  I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Hua


  Dear Sarah,

  I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday part next Thursday evening. That is owing to the fact that my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave.

  I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.


  Li Ming



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