
时间:2023-05-29 19:42:56 作者:会员上传


  xi meng

  dec,10th XX

  dear miss lin,

  in searching for employment opportunities on the internet, i learned of a job vacancy in the sales representative of your company. i believe that my qualifications match the requirements you have listed for the position.

  i am very organized, i am a self-motivated worker, and enjoy working in ge, especially trough the past three intern experience in this pleasant workplace.

  with a sound educational background demonstrated and a keen desire to be part of a professional firm, i am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above. i hold the belief that i will make positive contribution to ge.

  thank you for your time and consideration and i anticipate the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualification and your needs.


  xi meng


  dear leaders:


  thank you for your busy schedule to read my job cover letter,below,i will submit to your own personal self for a detailed description: department of xxxx xxxx i was a university student,about to face graduation.

  university is china's key personnel training base,has a long history and fine traditions,and renowned for their rigorous scholarship,educating people well-known; xxxx department of the university of xxxx xxxx is the base of disciplines. in this learning environment,both in knowledge and ability,personal qualities or accomplishments,i have benefited greatly.

  four years,the strict mentorship lessons and individual efforts,i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge and systematically mastered the xxxx,xxxx and other relevant theory; familiar with the work of common foreign etiquette; with good english listening,speaking,reading,writing,translation and other skills; able to skillfully operate a computer office. at the same time,my spare time to extensively studied a large number of books,not only to enrich themselves,many also develop their own skills. more importantly,the rigorous study and correct learning attitudes shaped my simple,stable and innovative character.

  in addition,i also actively participate in various social activities,to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. university for four years,i deeply feel,and outstanding students to work to benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties,let me grow up in frustration. grandparents taught me hard work,responsibility,kindness,integrity; the chinese people's university has trained me pragmatic,pioneering and enterprising style. i love your organization engaged in the cause,eagerly look forward to your leadership,to contribute to the cause of this glorious; and in practice,learning and progress.



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