
时间:2023-05-29 13:18:40 作者:会员上传


  2nd november

  dear miss wang,

  i am writing to recommend wang lingyan as the new chairperson of the students union. i think she will be an excellent chairperson, because she has many good personal qualities.

  wang lingyan is a confident girl and all the students in our class think she is really powerful. she has the ability to organize us very well. most of us admire her for her ability. she is also outgoing. she is never afraid of talking to the strangers. this is very important, because she will have to speak in front of the whole school.

  wang lingyan is also a clever girl. she always gets good marks in tests. for example, she got the first in the last math exam, so i think she is clever enough to come up with good ideals. i also think wang lingyan is organized and never forgets to do the things she needs to do. she wont give up things easily that she decides to do someting.

  i think wang lingyan has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. i hope that you can agree with me.

  yours sincerely,



  192 Singapore Road,

  Oct. 10,1999

  Dear Mr. Lee,

  As I am leaving for New York immediately to pursue higher education, I shall be very grateful for a letter of introduction to your brother The-Sheng who, I u nderstand, is now studying at Columbia University. I like very much to make the acquaintance of him who, I understand, has sojourned in the United States for qu ite a number of years and knows that country very well. I am sure I shall benefi t immensely by his advice and guidance when I arrive at that American city, whic h is entirely strange to me .I plan to study at Columbia University during the f irst year of my stay in the United States and hope to approach your brother for detailed information regarding the entrance requirements of that institution if I can have the pleasure of meeting him.With kind regards,Yours sincerely,Y.Chow


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  Having heard that there is a need for students of English major in your company, Id like to render my services for the post you are offering.I am a 23-year-old undergraduate expecting to graduate by July 20xx from the Department of English, Central South University, with a bachelor degree majoring in English.

  In the past three years, I have participated in several activities concerning the application of English. In July 20xx I used to work as an office assistant in an Import Export Company for two weeks, during which I have done some translation and reception work that enabled me to learn a great deal which couldnt be taught in class. Whats more, June 20xx saw my translation efforts made for the tender materials of English version of some construction companies. I think my education and previous experiences will enable me to offer helpful services.

  The enclosed resume will tell you more about my details, and my references, to whom I can refer you as to my personality and ability, is available upon request. I shall be pleased to come to your office for a personal interview at any time that is convenient to you.

  Yours faithfully  



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