
时间:2023-05-29 12:50:33 作者:会员上传


  Respect leadership:


  Thank you for reading this letter, please allow me to offer ones own services.

  My name is * *, studying at the Weifang College of economics and trade, international financial graduates, rigorous, pragmatic, truth-seeking, hard work is my study and work style.

  I read your companys recruitment information, I think I can be competent for this job. Because this position is closely related to my major. The university three years, I read the business management, the professional courses in marketing, market research, economics, economic law, basic accounting, statistics, management basis. At the same time but also to learn English, Marx philosophy, legal basis of public course.

  Now, enter the society, can not simply rely on the stand and survive, those simple investment knowledge has been unable to meet their own, hoping to learn more knowledge, I hope you can give me a chance, I believe in our unremitting efforts, will make due contributions to the development of your company.

  Look forward to hearing from you, bring me good news, please accept my sincere gratitude:

  Sincerely wish you success, wish your company brilliant prospects!

  Yours faithfully,



  Dear Sir,

  I wish to apply for a position with your company as a regional sales manager. Iam twenty-nine years old and at present employed by the Xishan Company,where I have been working as an assistant manager for the past four years. Before that, Ihad spent three years as a sales agent in the Taiji Company.

  My oniy reason for leaving my present position is to better myself as I feel I have potential(潜力) for greater things. I wish to serve in a large company like yours so that I can learn new things and give full play to my talent.

  I can give you references from both of the firms mentioned above as to my character and ability. Enclosed please find my resume.

  I would appreciate your considering my application. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Your advertisement for a English editor in the Zhaopin.com interested me because the position you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

  According to the advertisement, your position requires a high degree of literacy and ability to deeply develop and integrate materials, English majors preferred. I think I am competent to meet these requirements. I am a English major student and graduated from Changsha University this year. Ive gotten a bachelor degree. My graduation thesis received good reviews from my guiding teacher. When I was in university, I acted as the psychology member in class and the secretary of girl department at one time. I have written some work summaries and activity plannings during my tenure. According to my searching in the Internet, I know your company is building a consulting service website about overseas study. I was always interested to develop my career life in the field of professional education consulting. I usually look through scientific articles in the Internet, especially interested in new media. I was a senior user of social network like weibo, douban. I believe I can collect the best, most useful information about studying abroad. During my education, I have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills. I have passed CET-6. Though I have not obtained proud achievements in the professional examination, I believe interest is best teacher, I will spend twice the time than others to work hard and improve my profession. I hope I can gain more professional knowledge and improve my ability in the process of working. What I expect is consequence of win-win. The most strength of my character is calmness. Maybe I have many shortcomings, some of it I even can not see clearly. I believe I can improve myself gradually in my growing path.

  I know that everything is hard in the beginning, to the threshold of entering the education consulting sector. This is my first step, if employed, for giving me this opportunity, I am willing to start from the most basic. With the first step I believe, my second step, third step......to be more confident going, but it all depends on your companys support and help, I hope you can give me this opportunity.

  Thanks to examine deeply grateful.



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